Are you looking for a way to rapidly change one CNC program format to another automatically?

GeoMATRIX has been designed to work with ISO programs as a mini post processor.  The user can define a series of line patterns to be searched for in the file to be converted. The original file will will be converted into a different format in the new program.  The secret is in our user defineable GEM files. Save yourself hours of manual re-programming for new CNC's

This is not a Cad/Cam solution it is a utility program / CNC Editor for serious program conversions!
Post Processing
Iso programs
  Capable of editing multiple files at one time
Cut and paste between files to save programming time
Convert programs from one machine to another with just one mouse Click!
Includes many calculators to cover common workshop problems and tricky Trig problems
Basic RS-232 communications using Xon/Xoff protocol.
Can be integrated as a post processor for other software such as GB Data Entry

Includes simple 2 axis backplot for G1, G2, G3 with a machine styled user interface!

  We reccomend that you also review the details of  PC-DNC Editor A feature rich, low cost solution capable of transfering standard CNC programs as well as Binary data within the one package. There are significant differences between both software packages as we like to give our potential customers the best options for their particular problem.  

Web development copyright (c) 2025 by Shera Bonnet